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The Modernists in contrast to the classicists, instead of trying to form a new art culture, were trying to make a stand and invent new methods, in expressing oneself. Therefore developing art culture as a whole and breaking new boundaries, to produce equally as fantastic art work, which can be just as or possibly even more thought provoking than that of the classicists. Artists who have done this include Andy Warhol, Roy Lichenstein, Modrian, Hopper and Munch.
Andy Warhol Just as thought provoking and intelligent as Da Vinci, Warhol astounded the earth, with his new experimental art, including the most famous of all, his Marilyn Munroe prints, which explore the use of color, as well as printing, as we can see from his work displayed.
Roy lichenstein Most famous for his comic book pictures, Lichenstsin has produced brilliant work for his time.
Mondrian Employing the use of simply the primary colors with sleek, lines, Mondrian has produced a highly accurate series of artwork, which can be seen throughout Europe in many of the most famous museums, including the Tate Modern.
Jasper Johns Utilizing numbers this time, this artist experimented with his artwork, intermingling a series of images to produce, a final series of fantastic art work. Munch Munch startled the world, with his Van Gogh like pieces of art which shocked the world, as they clearly represented a range of dark emotions. If you want to look at more modern art, I would advise you to look at http://www.britart.com