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Probably one of my most favorite art periods, the impressionist age, was all about the capture of movement in art, attempted by Matisse, Monet, and Van Gogh most famously. All of whom capture for me the very essence of movement in all their pictures. Monet The French artist painted the whole span of his lie time, progressing from simple yet detailed caricatures, and observational drawings to deeply abstract and almost emotional paintings in which he used mainly oil paints, in painting a variety of landscapes, from his garden to the beach and lakes.
Matisse Probably one of the craziest artists in my experience, Matisse could paint exquisitely, but then create art worthy of a five year old! However despite this he remains one of the most celebrated artists of out time producing work as below. Van Gogh Van Gogh is probably most famous for cutting off his own ear. However in his career he produced some very moving work, through his dramatic interpretation of everyday scenes.